Will wonders never cease? I'm watching Larry King Live and it seems that President Idiot actually did something I approve of. He signed a law named after Adam Walsh, the son of TV star John Walsh, who was abducted from a mall in Hollywood, Florida twenty five years ago today. When John Walsh was on the Today Show in 1981 to beg for help for his missing son, I was 7. I don't remember that, but I do remember the terror that swept through my community (several hundred miles away from Hollywood, FLA, I might mention) and changes that our local mall made to their security procedures.
I'm quoting a conservative website here, but the salient points of the law are that it:
1. Establishes a national sex offender registry available on the Internet.
2. Requires convicted sex offenders to be entered into a national registry before they are released from prison and update the registration in person within three days of moving.
3. Offenders must verify their registry information every month in person. Failure to comply is a felony.
4. An offender who knowingly does not register and moves to a new state can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison. If an offender who has not registered commits a violent crime, the offender can be sentenced to up to 30 years in prison.
5. Establishes a sex offender tracking office in the Justice Department.
6. Some sex offenders may be required to wear tracking devices.
The thing is that this is the right thing to do, no matter which side of the aisle you’re sitting on. Ohio has a registry available online, and I searched it about 6 months ago and found that there are 13 registered sex offenders within a two mile radius of both my home AND my office (and one is on the south side of my hometown; the other is on the north side). This is a really scary thing, y’all. I don’t think that pedophilia is curable; “treatment” for those who terrorize, prey upon, and kill children is lethal injection.
Which makes me think that I’m not as much of a liberal as I’d like to think I am, but hey, this is real, honest emotion. The work that I do makes me react like an overprotective mama bear. And since we’re sliding into bad territory there, I’m on to the next thing. The info on this law being capitalized on by conservatives is yet another example of how Dems are missing the boat over and over and over. Anyway.
Check out my articles on Growers and Grocers tomorrow and Saturday; tomorrow’s is about a journey DH and I took to a winery far, far away, and Saturday’s is about your tax dollars at work in mad cow disease testing. It is a editorial and I’m pretty riled about the recent changes to testing standards, which is a bit odd b/c I don’t actually eat red meat. But many of the people I love do, and the danger of the human form of mad cow is real.
Larry King is over and Anderson Cooper is on. He's hot.
Bethenny Frankel is still at the beach
8 years ago