21 July 2006

July, nearly over

Once again the summer seems to be slipping away from me. I have been very busy with work and un-motivated to post lately. I'm blaming it on the heat. It has been so god-awful hot and humid that anyone with any sense either collapses in the air conditioning or lies submerged in a pool, river, or lake until the sun goes down. Really, today's high wasn't all that bad; I think it was only around 81 (26/27 C) but the HUMIDITY is what's killin' me. For anyone who has never experienced it, think of swimming through a pool of water. The air is thick, heavy, sticky on your skin. Rather than taking deep breaths, you end up chewing on the thickness of it all. Asthma sufferers (yep, that's me) experience an increase of attacks in times of high humidity.

I detest the heat. Yes, yes, sunny days are fine when the relative humidity is in the 40% range. After that, unless I'm at the lake or in a pool, 73 degrees and low humidity is fine fine fine with me.

I have a couple of things to talk about today and not much time, so enough bitching about the weather.

First on my list; tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to me and DH, married 6 years ago during (thank god) a very cool summer! I’m going completely off the grid for our anniversary weekend; no mobile telephone, no pager, and no computer. This will be the first time in 2 years that the pager has been off. I’m really excited about it.

Next, didja know that beer will kill slugs? Check out FitFare on Wednesday next week for my next article.

Which is really related to the third item on my list; I've agreed to write for Growers and Grocers, also a Well Fed site. My first piece there will post tomorrow. I’m very excited about this, because it is another area that fascinates me. US legislation about food production, and checking into locally grown produce….my first article is about organic labeling standards in the US and the next one will be about a locally produced wine. Yes, they DO grow grapes that make damn fine wine in Ohio. Who’da thunk it?

Next, I’ve had a dreadful scare. I had a mammogram this week and must go and consult a surgeon next week. Let me say this from the start: I do not have breast cancer. What I have is a miserable family history (breast, cervical, and uterine cancer abound) and a very cautious OB/GYN. All of which is fine until they tell you that you just need to have a little more invasive procedure done, just to be sure. And then the very helpful radiologist (who I’m sure is a perfectly nice woman, really) tells you just E-X-A-C-T-L-Y how they DO that procedure…..urgh. Details I’d rather not know, thanks all the same. Anytime needles are involved and I’m not sedated, it ain’t a pretty picture.

Finally, did everyone in America manage to MISS “W” aka President Idiot making an ass out of himself at the G-8? Good lord. Wake UP! How DID this man get re-elected? I don’t need to enumerate his faux pas here, but glo-reeee, did he ever make a bunch.

Oh, and one more thing. The last bit I want to mention is a piece that I heard on NPR yesterday. Please, if you are one of the small percentage of my fellow citizens who STILL support the Iraq war, give this a listen.


Misha said...

Yeah, I've done the biopsy thing. Not fun. But you will feel better once it's done, because you have some sense of reassurance. In fact, I'm thinking of having a lump taken out right now to be sure, even though it's been mammogrammed and the doc said it looked OK, and having another one cut out that's already been biopsied just because I'm sick of it hurting all the time.

BTW, what sick sadist came up with mammogram machines?! When I went for mine a few weeks ago, I thought they were going to squish me to death. I couldn't even look while they did it. Sheesh.

Misha said...

Yeah, I've done the biopsy thing. Not fun. But you will feel better once it's done, because you have some sense of reassurance. In fact, I'm thinking of having a lump taken out right now to be sure, even though it's been mammogrammed and the doc said it looked OK, and having another one cut out that's already been biopsied just because I'm sick of it hurting all the time.

BTW, what sick sadist came up with mammogram machines?! When I went for mine a few weeks ago, I thought they were going to squish me to death. I couldn't even look while they did it. Sheesh.27t even look while they did it. Sheesh.

Katie Burke said...

Congratulations on the great writing opportunities! Sorry to hear about the invasive medical stuff, but better safe than sorry, I believe.

I have stopped keeping track of how many ways our (un)fair President makes an ass of himself. The count is just too overwhelming ... and if calculated, it would probably be subjected to a biased recount!

Betty Carlson said...

It's so fun to live in Europe when our President makes such a fool out of himself. He provides for such interesting discussion material over apéritif!

After your email, I wanted to check out your blog. I'm always happy to find fellow Blogger bloggers.