25 October 2007

Fall Color

I'm too exhausted to string more than a few sentences together. So today I'm posting pictures of the fall color in the area, which is the main reason that I like Oh-hia-ia at this time of year.

This tree is at the end of my driveway, and I noticed its magnificent hues driving home from the hospice yesterday. Instead of immediately heading to bed as I should have, I walked the neighborhood taking pictures.

Except for the ugly power lines in the way, I really like those two pictures because they show the variations in color that we have.

Amazing, isn't it, the colors that are on just one tree? Red, orange, yellow, green..

Dark reds, with many of the leaves already gone.

Again the tree at the end of the driveway.

More variations in color, a few houses down from mine.

The group of trees at the end of the driveway.

Attempting, yet again, to show the many colors on one tree.

Finally, a little dogwood that is right next to my garage. There's another dogwood in between my house and my neighbor's that is still green, but I couldn't get a clean shot of it so you'll have to take my word for it.

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