You know how the computer gets too much information or tries to open too many objects and it tells you "PROCESSING" along with the gif of the hourglass? That's how I'm feeling; I'm attempting to process everything I've seen and experienced over the past five weeks. I have no idea where to start to begin telling the story of this journey.
Fortunately, I kept a journal, and was zealous about writing in it nearly daily. So if I wanted to, I could detail each day for you. I think I'll resist that urge, though, and keep it to broad impressions and a few specific stories.
I've been to Sweden four times; as an exchange student in 1991/1992, visits to my host family in 1999 and 2003, and this 5 week visit. When I was an exchange student, I didn't want to return to America. It felt like a sentence passed by a stern judge; as punishment for being born in the United States, you must return there. I have a very hard time being objective about Sweden, and I would still like to live there, very much. So many things they do make sense and work so well; and yet, for the first time ever while visiting, I could see the cracks on the surface of a not-perfect society.
Every other time I've been to Sweden, I've been supremely reluctant to leave. This time, as our departure date approached, I had mixed emotions. I wanted to come home. I missed my husband. I got tired of living out of a suitcase. I was tired of having my daily schedule set by someone else, and tired of being dependant on someone else to drive. (The team was not permitted to drive in Sweden.) I also wanted to stay, as usual. Nothing new there; what was new was that I thought long and hard about just what, exactly, I would do for a living in Sweden. The short answer to that is: I don't know. My Swedish Mama would love it if I lived there, and I have an existing network of contacts, too. That certainly doesn't guarantee employment, however.
Quickly, the big changes that I noticed....
1. There is more English in the Swedish language.
When I made this observation, Mama said, "Yeah, and in 30 years, the Swedish language will disappear." I don't agree with that assessment, but she's partly right. They don't even realize that they're sprinkling everyday conversation with English words...prime example? I sat in the terminal at Hven Traffiken, a ferry that runs between Landskrona, Sweden, and the island of Hven. I was early that day, and waited for the rest of the team inside because it was chilly. I deliberately eavesdrop when I'm in Sweden; my excuse is that I'm improving my language skills, and even if a conversation is deeply private, the chances of me ever meeting (or hell, even seeing) these people again is nil. Anyway. I was eavesdropping on the conversation between the clerk at the ticket window, and a woman inquiring about the schedule of the ferry and ticket pricing. As the clerk detailed the information the woman answered by saying, "Ja. Ja. Javisst. Yes. Yes. Ja. Ja." You don't need to speak Swedish to spot the impostors in that phrase. Responding to a yes-no question by saying "yes-yes" in English isn't uncommon, or even noticed by native speakers.
When I was an exchange student, it was cool for kids to use bits and pieces of English, but that was something that they did intentionally, for attention. This is not the same thing, but I guess if you're not observing the phenomenon, it would seem like nothing new. Whenever I pointed out the increase in the use of English, though, my hosts would say that it was hardly surprising, considering the increase of use of computers, the rise of the Internet, and the rising cooperation between Sweden and Denmark, since the Öresund Bridge opened in the early 2000s.
2. The popular game of "Blame the Immigrants" is sadly on the rise.
Sweden accepts refugees from many war-torn regions of the globe, and because the Swedish population is mostly the same ethnicity, foreigners stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. Being "different" is not desirable. Sweden is a welfare state; refugees get an enormous amount of help from the government in the form of: providing someplace to live, Swedish as a second language classes for free, money for food, utilities, schooling for their children, and free medical care. Who wouldn't want to come to Sweden from places like Bosnia, Iraq, Somalia? But then after opening those doors, the Swedes get vastly annoyed by refugees then bringing their entire extended family into the country, and the fact that many refugees don't work and form expatriate societies. Shocker, right? Shell-shocked people from warring countries band together in a foreign country. Huh. Whoda thunk it? This game of blaming immigrants for rising crime and flagging property rates irritates the living hell out of me. All of your society's ills can not be placed at the feet of a small number of foreigners. If that is indeed the problem, then to me, it seems that there's quite a simple solution: quit allowing people to immigrate. Wow. That was tough. As an American citizen, I can't just decide that I want to move to Sweden. I need to a) have a job waiting, b) marry a Swede, or c) have a lot of money. Believe me, during the Bush administration, I thought often about applying for political asylum, but that really isn't even possible. If however, I'm fleeing war or political persecution, getting a residence permit in Sweden isn't as hard. Change those laws, and you solve the problem, right? I know, it is hardly that simple.
3. Somewhere, in the last 5 years since I've been there, Sweden completely revamped their postal system, and local post offices are a thing of the past.
IMNSHO, this is BRILLIANT. The postal system operates sorting facilities, and still employs letter carriers. But if you want stamps, or to mail a package, they've outsourced that to grocery stores, convenience stores, and lottery outlets. It is still official Swedish Post; but they slashed operating costs by billions.
I sent postcards home, lots of them. After we'd been there for a few days, I started looking for a post office, because I needed stamps. The logo is easy to recognize; a blue horn on a yellow field. I looked EVERYWHERE. Finally, out of frustration, I asked one of our drivers if she could help me find a post office. She looked at me like I had three heads, and then burst out laughing. "When were you here last?" she asked, still giggling.
"Five years ago," I said, mystified.
"Oh, yeah, then you wouldn't know," she told me. "We lost all the post offices a few years ago. It was huge news. You didn't hear about it? Your family in Kungsör didn't tell you?"
"Um, no...we usually talk family news, births, deaths, weddings..." I trailed off, feeling dumb.
But that's the truth. I seldom -if ever- discuss the news in the US or in Sweden when I call them. So the closure of several thousand post offices was not on my radar. Once I was clued in, the official retailers were easy to spot...same logo, just smaller, and instead of "Sveriges Post" (Sweden's Mail) the signs said "Post erbjudande" (Postal retailer).
4. The murder rate, and crime in general, is on the rise.
One of our official visits was to a regional police headquarters, and we met both the regional chief of police and the information officer, i.e., press secretary. I asked them point-blank what they attribute the rising murder rate to, and they both told me murders are on the decline. There's just more media attention when someone is murdered. Riiiiiiiight. There's a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, too. I don't think they were lying to me; I think they're lying to themselves. Statistics can be spun any way the wind blows. I don't know what the deciding factor in that increase is, but I am very sorry to see it.
5. In the same vein of things that I'm sorry to see, huge retail outlets on the outskirts of towns are also on the rise.
Think Super-Wal-Mart. These huge "varuhusar" are something new for me in Sweden; my small Swedish hometown had a town center, and a shopping street closed to vehicle traffic. Most if not all Swedish cities had the same layout. Sadly, the big retailers are doing the same thing they've done here in the states: they're killing the mom-and-pop shops, killing the traditional butchers and cheese shops, along with small and unique stores in very small retail space.
6. The Eurovision Song Contest is still a completely ridiculous circus of insane pageantry and silly music.
And I loved every minute of it.
Over the coming weeks, you'll hear lots more about all of this, I'm sure. For now, though, I'm processing.
Welcome back! Good to see your post and it is just as I assumed it would be. My few international forays have produced vast amounts of input for me to process. Last time it took about a month for life to return to "normal."
Looking forward to hearing more!
Thanks! I'm glad to be home.
I have lots to share with you about religion in Sweden. One of my fellow team members works for a megachurch; we talked a lot of religion with one another and with our hosts. Was fascinating. More soon.
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