Wozzat? How'd Friday get here again? What happened to the week? Wasn't it Tuesday just yesterday?
I've been reading the fun across the pond bloggers that I check in with oh, daily or so and have discovered that the resto the world is caught up in World Cup fever. I did see a bit on ESPN about the US beating Italy, and I was pleased that the yanks managed a good showing, but then in the next heartbeat disappointed when my local rag of a newspaper printed an article on the front page of its sports section titled, "Why do we hate football(soccer)?" The article is typical of my local rag...not very well written...the writer is too fond of parenthesis, as if I have room to talk about THAT. But while I wish I could link it to show it to you, that would give away where I am, I'm afraid. And the reasons listed about why Americans hate footie are silly. One of the dumbest things the writer sites is the fact that soccer matches can end with a score of nil-nil. He says that isn't life. Haven't you ever had a situation in your life that was a draw? Really? I think you're lying if you say no!
I've said many times before that I detest American football; soccer players are lithe, athletic, hell, those dudes RUN for the majority of the matches. I'd love to see the average linebacker last for an entire match. Oh, and a must jab, and slightly off topic, sorry. Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers QB was injured in a motorcycle accident last week. He WASN'T WEARING A HELMET. D'ya know what they call motorcycle riders who don't wear helmets in the Emergency Room? Organ donors. That isn't Steeler's hating. Or big Big Ben hating. Or motorcycle hating. I love motorcycles; have been known to ride from time to time. But I wear a helmet, long sleeves, sensible shoes, and jeans EVERY TIME. Know why? If you ride, you WILL fall. Digging gravel outta your skull should never be on your list of things to do today. I truly hope that he's OK and still able to follow his chosen career path, but I also hope that he starts to wear a helmet if he continues to ride motorcycles. Anyway.
I guess we can only chalk the football (soccer) hating up to yet another thing that America stands in opposition to the rest of the world; see system, metric and Iraqi war, opposition to for other examples.
Happy Friday, y'all.
Bethenny Frankel is still at the beach
8 years ago
Just discovered your blog and read about your love for DMB and wanted to tell you that I was a DMB-virgin until Tuesday night, but my cherry has been popped and I'm in lurrve. Didn't know many of there songs but enjoyed it anyway - lots of standing on my chair and shouting/singing (alcohol was involved) and they did play Crash - yay!!
Just discovered your blog and read about your love for DMB and wanted to tell you that I was a DMB-virgin until Tuesday night, but my cherry has been popped and I'm in lurrve. Didn't know many of there songs but enjoyed it anyway - lots of standing on my chair and shouting/singing (alcohol was involved) and they did play Crash - yay!!
My personal opinion is that America is so isolated from the rest of the world, geographically and culturally, that we just don't have a clue about what's going on with everybody else, and sadly, many people don't particularly care. I couldn't believe all the stuff I found out I didn't know when I was in Europe and New Zealand/Australia. I can't wait to go to Asia, Africa and South America, though--that's going to REALLY be an eye-opener.
In defense of my fellow Americans, a lot of people just plain can't afford to travel. It's expensive to hop the pond, and even more so to go anywhere else in the world. (I've been dying to get back to Ireland for seven years now and haven't managed it.) It's so much easier to go to another country when you're in Europe--just hop a train or a short flight. I think if more Americans could actually afford to leave the country, their viewpoints might change considerably. Then again, maybe I'm just feeling particularly optimistic today. I remember lots of "ugly Americans" from my travels. But I do think most Americans are changed for the better when they venture outside their own borders.
Now I'm curious to know what percentage of Americans has traveled outside the U.S./North America. I'll have to look into that.
Hey Misha-
Let me know if you do find any figures about what % of Americans have traveled outside of the US. I'd be interested to know. Thanks!
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