07 May 2007

Go Read the Gossip Rags

Because I don't have time today to write a post.

P. Hilt's going to jail, Michelle Rodriguez was outed, the Superficial had a picture of Kathy Griffin falling out of an SUV...much more entertaining that what I'd like to devote serious time to, the victory of Nicholas Skarozy in the French elections. Cheerio, chikadees, I'll be back tomorrow.

Go Fug Yourself

Perez Hilton

The Superficial


Work, work, work, no time to spend my money.


Anonymous said...

GAH! See what you made me do?! One word of Michelle Rodriguez and I'm all over those gossip sites- and I bookmarked 'em!!

I have just descended to another level of hell and you brought me there. This is on your soul. LOL

Lucy Arin said...

I live but only to serve, m'lady!


I told MotherMe a while ago that it is a good thing that not all of my obsessions are contagious.

But then, you already share the Jensen addiction.....

'Sides, don't we all need more sarcasm in our lives? I'm up for anything that gives me a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

I happily blame you for all my addictions, even the ones I had since before knowing you. It's just convenient. :P


Lucy Arin said...

Ta, MM, as I said, glad to be of service. :D