04 May 2007

Rolling Stone? Where have you been all my life?

Somehow, I have acquired a subscription to Rolling Stone magazine. When it first showed up in my mailbox, I was annoyed. "WTF, where did this come from?" was my first thought. So then it became a quest to figure out how I ended up with the subscription, because as far as I know, I've never paid for it. Best I can figure, when I bought DAVE tickets last year, the mag subscription came along for the ride.

And then instead of tossing it aside when it showed up, I started to read it. RS shares most of my political leanings, so of course I love it. The latest edition is one of three 40th anniversary publications, and is full of interviews with people like Bob Dylan. The editors have a huge "Letter FROM the editors" section, and when I read it, something stood out on the page that made me stop and think.

I must admit that I have no idea who wrote this piece, if it is a collaborative effort, or if it is typical of the voices of the editors. So we'll go with 'theds' as the name, the eds...anyway, theds talk about the Sixties, capitalized like that, Sixties, through the letter. You can almost taste the emphasis they're putting on Sixties. I also have to admit that I'm not sure what proper usage is, if the decades should be capitalized or not, because I usually just use the numbers, 60s, 70s. And I'm too lazy to look it up.

All through the editorial, they're drawing parallels to the political situation back then and the political situation now. They've never made any secret of the fact that they despise President Idiot, and the call to action in this editorial has motivated me. Course, they don't have my wonderful turn of phrase, calling him Bush instead of by his proper name.

I have not yet had time to read the entire magazine, but the interview with Bob Dylan was riveting stuff. There are interviews with Tom Wolfe, Martin Scorsese, and Michael Moore that I am excited to get to. I'll probably have more to say about each of them after I've had a chance to sit down and read it all.

Last night's SN episode was one of my all time favorites. I posted an extraordinarily long set of my impressions over on MySpace, if you're interested. All I'll say here is WOWOWOW!


Anonymous said...

Michael Moore. Now there's someone with political savoir faire.

*passing you a tea towel to mop up the oozing sarcasm*

I was with you til then.... ;)


Lucy Arin said...


A tastefully crocheted-edged tea towel, no doubt! LOL.

But for the record...

Just said I wanted to read it, not that I would necessarily agree with him. I've actually, believe it or not, never seen any of his movies. I'm not a fan really of Tom Wolfe, either. However, I am a big fan of the writing that I find at RS, it always gives me something to think about.

Anonymous said...

I'm just giving you a hard time. I feel it's my duty, being a lapsed-Republican Libertarian Democrat-hater and all. ;)

And as for the tea towel, I would never blot sarcasm with one of the fancier crocheted ones...Sarcasm usually stains something awful!


Lucy Arin said...

LOL, you crack me up! Duty! Indeed, that is certainly is.

Also, I imagine it is much like walking past a new sidewalk with wet cement, that irresistible urge to put an imprint in it.

*ponders sarcasm staining*
still thinking about that one....
I mean, of course it would...but what would get rid of a sarcasm stain?

Anonymous said...

Why, club soda and a bit of smile, of course. :)