27 March 2006

Pat Strikes Again....

Pat Robertson, quoted in the PARADE magazine that comes with my Sunday paper....said he has prayed for years for a change on the Supreme Court...feels that his prayers have been answered. If that's not enough to make you want to run for Canada, I'm not sure what is. Pat Robertson thinks GOD speaks to him, people. Do you WANT this guy in charge of your civil liberties, or telling you what you are and are not allowed to do with your body? Mid-term elections are coming up this year and if a landslide of democrats aren't elected..........


Katie Burke said...

WOW - found your blog from a comment you left with Dooce, and I am totally in love with it! Great writing and content. Pat Robertson is creepy and dark, and he does indeed want me to follow the stampede to Canada. This country has gotten WAY too lost by following jackasses like George Bush, his entire administration, and Pat Robertson types! Thanks for your clever and thoughtful writing.

Katie Burke said...

Oops ... meant to say, "... he does indeed make me want to follow the stampede to Canada." Pat Robertson does not WANT me to do anything; he is totally unaware that I exist ... and if he is correct that there is a God in heaven (who speaks to him, no less!), Pat will remain oblivious to the fact of my existence, as well as to many other facts.

Lucy Arin said...

Hi Amanda-

Thanks so much for your kind words!! I often feel so isolated in the middle of the red states, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one out there who gets scared by the radical christians. Check out my friend CJ's website too, Church Made Me Stupid
