06 January 2006

Such SAD News!!!!

I am totally bummed this morning. There's an online mag that I check almost every day, The Black Table, which is funny, sarcastic, and mostly written by folks that live in New York City. They announced today that they're going offline. Booo!!! I have to assume that BT is a little bit like crack. Assume, because, I've never tried crack, but once you start reading all the stories they have on the site, you can't stop. You are compelled to go back every day, because of the banner at the top of the page that says, "Updated Daily". You wonder what the daily update will be. Amy Blair's column (Week In Craig)...the ten weekly reviews of random life events...I'm just so sad about it. You do have 3 weeks left to check out daily updates, so the world is not completely over.

My other topic of the day is about my new t-shirt, which my sister got for me for my birthday. (Thanks Sis!!) It has a picture of an apple falling on the front of it and says, "Evolution is ONLY a theory, just like, um, gravity." Check out Cafe Press for funny funny anti-Bush t-shirts, bumper stickers, magnets. There's actually a whole wealth of funny stuff, not just anti-Bush, but those are the ones I like best. A bunch of anti-intelligent design stuff, another one I like says "BS-IQ=ID". And surfing their site has let me to a bunch of Firefly/Serenity goodies, which would be great for my hubby’s birthday. Hmmmm.

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