25 February 2008

Projecterna (av denna minut)

The Projects (of the moment)

Here's how I know I have OCD: I get immersed in something (I'm sure you can think of one or two I've had over the past year) and that's all I do or think about for a while. Obsessive behavior at its finest.

Lately, it has been the knitting. To the exclusion of all of my other obsessions, which, frankly, isn't a bad thing. But I've been knitting like a house on fire. Two hats, three scarves, a third hat cast on to needles, an afghan that's been on needles for nearly two years now....and about a bazillion other things I'd like to knit. I posted picutres of the red hat the other day, so I'm not reposting. But here's the other hat.

Why, yes, it IS on the head of a teddy bear. No one in the house was willing to model.

Then there are the scarves; I made one with Fun Fur, and it is warm and fuzzy and all kinds of funky colors.

It is kind of in a heap in this picture, but I took a close-up to show the fuzziness too.

Then there's the scarf that was a pattern experiment, and it is so short that I think it suitable only for a child. I might yet rip it apart and make something else with the yarn. Teddy, my model, is an average size toy bear.

The third scarf is one made from 5 skeins of a discontinued yarn that I got for super-cheap. Knit on the diagonal, I am in love with the pattern. It is at least 12 feet long; scarves, in my ever-so-humble, at least scarves of the winter variety, ought to be long enough to wrap around your neck a couple of times, especially when the pattern is holey.

The afghan isn't likely to be done anytime soon. It is an awesome color, a hot lime green. It is a baby blanket. I like to make things for babies in unexpected colors, gender-neutral, something outside of the norm because it is fun. But this one is a bitch. 170 stitches make a row. So moving forward, getting the darn thing to a reasonable dimension, takes for-bloody-ever, and I've lost patience with it. But it is pretty, isn't it?

Here's a detail of the cabling; my stitches aren't perfect, but I like 'em.

If, however, I cast everything I wanted to knit onto needles, I'd have at least 8 more projects in the works. Dishcloths, made of organic cotton. About 4 of them. A chemo cap for a friend who has cancer. At least two more hats for other purposes. A baby blanket that I've got the yarn for but never started.

And just when I thought I'd found all the yarn and bit projects all over the house, I found two more things. A sweater, made during a knitting class that needs pieced together, a collar knitted, and the ends woven in, and a box of yarn purchased for the infamous "Lighthouse" blanket that I knit six squares of the thirty-six required and declared it a lap blanket because the pattern was so frustrating.

I really ought to finish the sweater; it has been done and in pieces for at least four years. Nah...I've got too much else to start!

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