28 November 2008

Avoidance factor

Today is "Black Friday".  So-called because retailers are 'in the black' rather than 'in the red' traditionally on this particular Friday.  The entire US economy is dependent on the Christmas shopping season, sadly.

I worked in retail for a long time in college.  

I hate Black Friday.

One place I worked opened at 5 AM, and stayed open until midnight on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  It wasn't really the norm then, but most of them open in the wee sma's now.  One outlet mall within driving distance from my home opens at midnight.  To quote the kids these days: SRSLY?  R U kidding?

Sadly, yes, seriously, and no, I'm not kidding.

My usual routine since I quit working for the retail establishments has been one of two things; at Ye Olde Evile Bank, we were open, and I was usually at work.  When I took the day off, though, I stayed home.  Put up the Christmas tree.  Addressed holiday cards.  Stayed the heck at home.

Not this year.

One, I'm not putting up either of my two trees, because DH and I and my sisters will be with the 'rents in Florida for Christmas, and I can't see a good reason to bother getting the decorations out.

Two, the chi-chi yarn store where I learned to knit is jumping on the Black Friday sale bandwagon.  They don't open at the crack of dawn, but they are offering large discounts on their usually expensive yarn.  This means that instead of being frightfully expensive, their wares will be just pricey.

But the straw that breaks the camel's back on this is that in addition to having a chance to fondle fibers, I get to eat Indian food!

Maybe I'll grow to love Black Friday.  Don't hold your breath, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also avoid Black Friday like the Black Death. But it was fun going to chi-chi yarn store and noshing Indian food after. Thanks! ;)